Thursday 6 June 2024




Quick Learning IQ is an innovative app designed to enhance your cognitive abilities and boost your IQ through engaging and interactive exercises. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your mind, improve problem-solving skills, or simply have fun while learning, Quick Learning IQ offers a variety of features to cater to all your mental fitness needs.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Learning Path: Tailor your learning journey with customized exercises based on your current IQ level and desired goals.
  • Diverse Challenges: Engage in a wide range of cognitive tasks including puzzles, memory games, logic problems, and pattern recognition activities.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your improvement with detailed progress reports and IQ score updates after each session.
  • Daily Brain Workouts: Dedicate just a few minutes each day to stimulating exercises designed to keep your mind sharp and agile.
  • Competitive Edge: Challenge friends or other users worldwide and see how you rank on global leaderboards.
  • Expert Insights: Gain valuable tips and strategies from cognitive science experts to maximize your learning potential.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a clean, intuitive design that makes navigating the app and completing exercises a breeze.

Who is it for?

Quick Learning IQ is perfect for students, professionals, and anyone interested in boosting their cognitive abilities. Whether you’re preparing for exams, aiming for career advancement, or simply love a good mental challenge, this app is designed to make learning enjoyable and effective.

Why Choose Quick Learning IQ?

  • Proven Methods: Exercises are based on scientifically proven techniques to enhance cognitive function.
  • Flexible and Fun: Learn at your own pace with exercises that are both challenging and enjoyable.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular updates with new challenges and features ensure that you always have fresh content to explore.

Unlock your brain’s full potential with Quick Learning IQ – the ultimate app for cognitive enhancement and IQ improvement!




Onedigital may collect, store and use your personal information in connection with developing and providing to you its products, software applications (whether on third party sites or as applications on mobile devices), sites and other services (collectively, "Services"). At Onedigital, we take your privacy seriously. We operate on the principle that your personal information belongs to you and only you can decide who you want to share it with and why. This is fundamental to the way we work and were committed to providing a secure environment for you to store your personal information and share it with others when you want to. This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") explains how personal and other information is collected and used by us. Please read it carefully, as all of our Services are governed by this Privacy Policy. By using or accessing any Service you agree to and give consent to this collection, processing, transmission, retention and use of such information and data related to you. You may withdraw such consent at any time by letting us know via the applicable Service (e.g., using customer care tools in app) or by contacting us at At that time, you may also want to remove any cookies which have been placed on any device used to access the Services. Your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out by us prior to such withdrawal. You are not authorized to install, access or otherwise use the Services if you do not agree and consent to this Privacy Policy.

Users Outside the US

If you are located outside the United States, you acknowledge and consent to the processing of such data in the country in which it was collected as well as in other countries where it may be transferred, including the United States, where regulations regarding processing of personal information may be less stringent than regulations in your country.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

Any changes we may make to this Privacy Policy will be posted to this page. Your continued use of Services will signify your agreement to and acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Policy. Please bookmark and visit this page periodically to review the current Privacy Policy and to understand what information we gather and how we may use it. This Privacy Policy is governed by and forms a part of our Terms of Service.


Personal Information

Situations when you make personal information available to us may include, but are not limited to: (a) by visiting our websites or using our software applications, (b) registration for Services, sweepstakes, contests and special events; (c) accessing Services using IDs from a third party service, such as an application marketplace, gaming service or social network service; (d) subscribing to newsletters; (e) requesting customer support or other direct communications with us; and (f) otherwise through use of our Services where personal data is required for use and/or participation. Personal data we collect and/or process may include (but is not limited to): first name, last name, email address, user names, date of birth, age, gender, IP address, city, unique identifiers in cookies and third-party service IDs (e.g., Swrve, Facebook, Apple, Google). For example, we may collect and share the advertising identifier associated with your device (such as the Apple IDFA and Android Advertising ID) with advertisers. An advertising identifier is an alphanumeric string that can be used to identify your device so that advertisers can serve relevant ads to you, and in certain territories (such as the EU) may be considered personal information. We use the Apple IDFA only as permitted by Apple, and we use the Android Advertising ID only as permitted by Google. An advertising identifier is assigned, and ad tracking is turned on, by default on your mobile device. You may limit the use of or reset your advertising device ID using the privacy settings on your mobile device; in some cases you may need to reset the operating system to reset the advertising device ID. We do not associate any of your other personal information with your advertising device ID without your consent (which may be given by you in our terms of use for a Service). Aggregated Information & Non-Identifying Information We may collect aggregated, anonymized information via the Services that does not identify any single user or device. We may use that information to calculate statistics about our user community for the purpose of enhancing our Services or for security purposes. If you choose to provide a username within a Service, please do not provide as your username any information that identifies you in real life, such as your real name. We may also collect and/or process other data not relating to you as an identified or identifiable person, including (but is not limited to): device IDs, third-party service IDs (e.g., Adjust), application usage data, operating system information, browser information, and network and online usage information. When a user accesses or uses a Service, we may collect technical information about the users device, such as the IP address that requested the display of the Service, the operating system type and the identifiers associated with the device. Certain non-identifying information would be considered a part of your personal information if it were combined with other identifiers (for example, combining your zip code with your street address) in a way that enables you to be identified. But the same pieces of information are considered non-identifying information when they are taken alone or combined only with other non-identifying information (for example, your activity in a game).

Profile images and nicknames provided by users are stored in the server to allow future retrieval by the user and to support the game's functionality in line with its privacy policy. Users are not required to upload a profile image and may use a default nickname and image without any limitations in the game experience.


In the course of providing the Services, we may employ third party service providers and their technologies that use certain methods to collect personal and other information as a result of their integration with our Services to perform, for example, analytics, customer support and other services for us. The specific service providers we employ may vary depending on which of our Services you use. When we share data with these service providers, we do so in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When third party service providers collect or process user data on our behalf, they do so in accordance with their own privacy policies, available at their respective website.


We use the collected data to provide the Services as well as conduct related analytics regarding the use of Services, such as user behavior with respect to our Services, the number of users of our Services and which sections of a Service are popular. We use this information for supporting our business operations, which include product development, improving products and services, personalizing relevant content, measuring marketing campaign performance, processing transactions, customer support and communications, protecting the rights of Onedigital and its partners and users and complying with applicable laws and regulations as well as our Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy. In the course of providing the Services, personal and non-identifying information related to you and specific software applications may be shared with third parties, including third party developer(s) and service providers specifically involved with their development and operations, and when we believe in good faith it is necessary to comply with the law, enforce or apply our Terms of Service or other agreements, or protect the rights, property, or safety of Onedigital and our partners, employees, users, or others. We may associate information about you we collect through one part of our Services and use it in connection with other parts of our Services. We may also obtain information from other sources and associate that with other information we collect through our Services. For example, if you create or log into your account through a social network service site or otherwise authorize us to access your social network data in connection with accessing one of our Services, we may have access to certain information from that social network, such as your name, account information and friends lists, in accordance with the rules prescribed by such social network, and this information may be associated with other information we have collected separately. We may use personal contact information you have made available to us through your use of Services such as email address, to send you communications that we believe are relevant to your use of such Services, as well as other Services which we offer. If you receive commercial emails from us, you may unsubscribe by following instructions contained within the email or by contacting us at Even after you opt-out from receiving commercial or promotional emails from us, however, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding Services that you are using.


We may retain and store collected data for any periods necessary to perform Services and fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. As a general matter, we delete the personal data of a user twenty four (24) months after that user ceases using our Services. Please note that some data may be used and further retained if necessary to resolve disputes, enforce user agreements, and comply with technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of Services. We may also delete some or all of your personal information upon receiving a request to do so from you.


While we may use third parties to collect and process personal and other data on our behalf and according to our instructions in the course of providing the Services, we do not actually control third-party data collection and use. You acknowledge and agree that your access to and use of the Services may be subject to terms and conditions of third parties, whether or not they are acting on our behalf or independently of the Services. These third parties include mobile device manufacturers, operating system and browser developers, social network services, analytics providers, companies delivering advertisements in or for our Services, and online and mobile network communications providers, any of whom may utilize cookies and other technologies for analytics, monitoring and other purposes, including for other products and services you may be receiving from them. Please refer to the privacy policies and terms and conditions applied by such third parties. In addition, if you leave our websites or software applications and go to another website or software application, the third party associated with such site or app may also collect personal and other data from you. We have no control over, do not review, and do not assume any responsibility for, these external websites or apps or their content, policies or terms.


You may choose to disclose data about yourself in the course of contributing user generated content, if applicable, to the Services or on social networks. Any data that you disclose in any forums, blogs, chats or the like that are part of the Services will become public information, and there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality with respect to that data.


Local Storage is a small database located inside your device. We may use local storage and/or similar technologies for a number of purpose, including player authentication, fraud prevention and remembering of preference/settings. This technology helps us provide a better experience when interacting with our Services and to improve your player experience.


We think it is important that you are able to control your personal information. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal information for marketing purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing at any time by contacting us via the applicable Service (e.g., using customer care tools in app) or at The law gives you the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. We first require you to prove your identity with additional pieces of approved identification. We will supply, correct or delete personal information about you on our files. In addition, you may request rectification or erasure of personal information as well as the restriction of processing of your personal information. We will comply with your requests in accordance with the applicable law. If you wish to complain about the processing of your personal information then please contact us first, but if we do not satisfactorily deal with your complaint, then you may contact the applicable regulator or Information Commissioner. If you want to stop using the Services, you may do so. If you do, you may also want to remove any cookies that we have placed on any device used to access the Services.


As Onedigital continues to grow, we might sell or buy certain subsidiaries and/or business units. In such transactions, customer information is generally one of the transferred assets. Also, in the unlikely event that Onedigital or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information would in most cases be one of the transferred assets.


We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. If we learn that we have inadvertently gathered personal information from children under 13 years of age, we will take reasonable measures to promptly delete such information from our records.


When we collect information from users, we employ generally accepted industry security techniques designed to prevent unauthorized access to information in our possession. We encrypt users personal information and grant access only to those employees with a legitimate business need to have such access. While we cannot control the third party service providers with whom we share data while providing the Services, we take reasonable steps to confirm that such service providers have privacy policies that provide protections appropriate to the types of information we share with them.


This Policy may be provided as a courtesy in multiple languages, however, the English language version of this Policy shall control in the event of any ambiguity between the English version and a version provided in another language.


For questions and information about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Thursday 24 August 2023

handrayaan-3's primary objectives align closely with those of its predecessors:

 Chandrayaan-3: India's Ambitious Lunar Mission Aims for Successful Moon Landing in 2023

In a continuation of its impressive strides in space exploration, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for its third lunar mission, aptly named Chandrayaan-3. This mission is poised to mark a significant milestone in India's space exploration endeavors, aiming to achieve a successful soft landing on the lunar surface. Following the successes of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, ISRO is striving to build upon its expertise and experience to achieve another feat in lunar exploration.

The Chandrayaan Legacy

The Chandrayaan series of missions are a testament to India's growing prowess in space science and technology. The first mission, Chandrayaan-1, launched in 2008, successfully confirmed the presence of water molecules on the moon's surface, changing our understanding of the moon's composition. The second mission, Chandrayaan-2, launched in 2019, included an orbiter, lander (Vikram), and rover (Pragyan). Although the lander's descent didn't go as planned and communication was lost just moments before landing, the orbiter continues to relay valuable data back to Earth.

Chandrayaan-3: A Renewed Focus

Chandrayaan-3 is a reimagining of the previous lunar lander mission. Learning from the challenges faced during Chandrayaan-2's landing attempt, ISRO has concentrated its efforts on creating a more robust and efficient landing system for Chandrayaan-3. Unlike its predecessor, Chandrayaan-3 will consist of only a lander and rover, omitting the orbiter to save costs and streamline the mission's objectives.

Technological Advancements

The Chandrayaan-3 mission incorporates several technological advancements that enhance its chances of a successful landing:

  1. Redesigned Lander: The lander component has undergone significant improvements in terms of navigation, propulsion, and communication systems. These enhancements are intended to ensure a smooth descent and landing, minimizing the risks associated with the lunar terrain.

  2. Enhanced Communication: Chandrayaan-3 will feature improved communication systems to maintain a robust link between the lander and mission control on Earth. This will help prevent the communication loss that occurred during the Chandrayaan-2 mission's landing attempt.

  3. Advanced Imaging: The rover's imaging and analytical instruments have been upgraded to provide clearer and more detailed insights into the moon's surface. This data will contribute to a deeper understanding of the moon's geology and composition.

Scientific Objectives

Chandrayaan-3's primary objectives align closely with those of its predecessors:

  1. Lunar Surface Exploration: The rover, equipped with sophisticated scientific instruments, will explore the moon's surface, conducting experiments to study its geological and mineralogical characteristics.

  2. Water Ice Detection: One of the mission's key goals is to study the distribution and abundance of water ice in the moon's polar regions. This information has significant implications for future lunar habitation and resource utilization.

  3. Technological Demonstration: Chandrayaan-3 serves as a platform to test and demonstrate new technologies that could be pivotal for future space missions, both lunar and beyond.

International Collaboration

ISRO's lunar endeavors have not only contributed to advancing space science but have also fostered international collaboration. The Chandrayaan missions have engaged researchers and space agencies from around the world, facilitating the sharing of knowledge and expertise.


Chandrayaan-3 represents India's determination to master the challenging task of lunar landing and exploration. With its improved technology, lessons learned from previous missions, and an unwavering commitment to scientific discovery, ISRO is poised to make significant strides in the realm of lunar exploration. As the mission prepares for launch in 2023, the world watches with anticipation, eager to witness India's continued achievements in space exploration.

Friday 19 March 2021

12 reasons that make #MonsterReloaded Samsung Galaxy M12 a phone for the general public budget

 12 reasons that make #MonsterReloaded Samsung Galaxy M12 a phone for the general public budget

 Sakshi Pandya |  Navbharat Times |  Updated: 17 Mar 2021, 12:40:00 PM

 Why should you buy Samsung Galaxy M12 and what are the reasons that it can be a perfect phone for you?  Read the reasons that make #MonsterReloaded Samsung Galaxy M12 a phone for the general public budget 

 So far we have not been able to stop talking about the Samsung Galaxy M12!  This smartphone has been in the news ever since Samsung challenged 12 celebrities to replace its #MonsterReloaded battery.  In the run-up to this glamorous launch on 11 March, some stars like Sarah Jane, Anga Bedi, Sayani Gupta accepted the challenge with full force.  All went on to complete the challenge one after the other so that Team M12 could win this race.  After defeating #MonsterReloaded in his game, the baton was handed over to Varun Sood, Shriya Pilgaonkar and Sumeet Vyas for the next level.  The heat was high and these syllabus were seen trying different ways to drain the battery of this monster device.  Everyone took the Samsung Galaxy M12 rigorous test using 48 MP True Resolution Camera, 8nm Exynos Processor, 90 Hz Refresh Rate and 6000mAh battery!  He clicked several photos, ran a lot of apps in the background, listened to music, used navigation and even watched his favorite shows during the race but the phone had no effect.  The next turn-in models of the race were Asim Riyaz, Sayan Bakshi, Aahana Kumra, Eesha Rabba and all of them had to give their best performance, but that was not enough to defeat the #MonsterReloaded M12

Thursday 18 March 2021

Internet advertising and marketing

 Entrepreneurs these days work challenging to take their enterprise to the subsequent level. Now, they are often the usage of Internet as an vital medium for advertising. To create manufacturer attention and to attain normal markets, on line marketing is now excessively used. In India alone, over 41,000 advertisers have marketed on Internet, which capability round forty six million advertisers. This makes India a massive goal market for Internet advertisers.


Due to upward jostle in competition, on-line commercial organisation or on-line advertising and marketing agencies are hired. They assist in merchandising and nicely deliberate advertising. This also proves that advertising and marketing is the main phase of promotional combination and additionally is fundamental for reaching success. It is continually a suitable thinking to begin the advertising and marketing marketing campaign with great planning and perfect coordination of advertising and marketing employer and advertising and marketing company.

It is acknowledgeable that on-line marketing is precious seeing that it reaches out extra and is satisfactory for the advertisers. Any man or woman of any social phase can view on line advertisements. Another important nice characteristic of on-line marketing is that this kind of advertising and marketing is no longer limited by means of time zones or geographical boundaries.

To create an affect on viable consumer and to make sure top returns, advertisers don’t hesitate on advert spends. They are certain that returns would be substantially good. A profitable marketing marketing campaign will become apparent solely when commercials are placed proper and are centered perfectly.

The many search engines on Internet have drawn interest closer to advertising and marketing via records technology. This helps frequent consumer additionally deeply as a man or woman usually tries to locate out greater about the product earlier than shopping for the requisite product of service.

If a individual desires to go for banner advertising, then a lot of components these have to be managed intentionally. A expert Internet advertising and marketing business enterprise or an Internet advertising and marketing business enterprise can be appointed for it.

Internet advertising and marketing comes below new media. Online advertising and marketing or Internet marketing is a entire new world of potential. It is no longer simply less expensive however a very quick medium also. Youngsters spend a lot of time online; consequently to get money, hints like ‘click through’ on classified ads are uses. In some collages, corporations supply free Internet access. For any company; children are a important market, consequently most possible to create manufacturer familiarity. For this cause groups supply free games, chat rooms, free downloads, etc. By doing this, the advertiser tends to create a fine concept for the product in kids

Write a Top Ten List

 Whether you are simply beginning out with your on-line enterprise or you are professional pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most wonderful and low-priced methods to pressure loads of focused visitors to your site. Writing articles and submitting them to the article directories will get you free visitors when human beings click on on the hyperlink in your aid box. It is additionally a outstanding way to enhance search engine rankings, seeing that you will have masses of incoming hyperlinks to your site. Let’s take a seem at how you can get started out writing articles. Here are a few hints to get you started.

Write a Top Ten List

An handy way to get started out with an article is to come up with a Top Ten List. Find a subject matter related to your enterprise and jot down ten motives why anybody ought to buy your product or provide recommendation on a subject that’s associated to your website. Examples would be pinnacle ten methods to get your child to sleep thru the night, pinnacle ten motives to write articles, or pinnacle ten motives to purchase automobile insurance. Once you have your listing of ten items, write a little paragraph about each, explaining the purpose in a little greater detail.


Next you add an introductory paragraph that pulls the reader into your list. For instance an introduction to the toddler sound asleep thru the night time article may want to point out how difficult it is to make it via the day and how sleep disadvantaged you are till you get your child to sleep thru the night. Then shut your article both through summing up what you simply informed them in your pinnacle ten lists or encouraging them to act on what you simply informed them about.

Congratulations, you simply wrote an article. Of direction you can effortlessly shorten this to a pinnacle 5 list. Just write a little extra about every of your points.

Record Your Article

Some humans decide on recording themselves whilst they are speaking about a precise subject matter and then transcribing and enhancing it into an article. If you have an simpler time speakme about a specific subject matter than writing about it, this may additionally be a splendid alternative for you. Most MP3 gamers now come with a document option, or you can select up a low cost tape-recorder. Pick a subject and simply begin speaking as if you have been explaining it to a friend. Just begin babbling and the thoughts will begin to flow. Now pay attention to your tape. Write down and prepare the foremost factors you mad in order. Add an intro and a closing and you have every other article.

Hire a Ghost Writer

If you are having a difficult time writing articles, or simply don’t have the time to do it, you can nonetheless advantage from article advertising with the aid of hiring a ghostwriter. Ghost Writers will write special articles for you that end up your mental property. You can publish them as your very own work to your site, your blog, as nicely as the article directories. You can locate a ghost creator on websites like elance. There are additionally some freelance writers with their personal web sites out there. You can normally purchase articles somewhere from $5 – $65.

Write an Outline and Have Someone Else Turn it into an Article

Another alternative if you don’t desire to do all the writing your self is for you to write a simple define of the article and the factor you prefer to convey across. Jot down any thoughts you have for the article, then ask a buddy or employ any individual to flesh it out for you into an article. You can also be extra at ease with passing these articles off as your own, seeing that the content material of the article was once your authentic idea. Someone else simply put it into an article structure for you.

There is no purpose for you now not to get began with article advertising one way or the other. Get a few articles out there and then sit down lower back and watch the visitors come in. You’ll be so impressed through the consequences you can get even from a handful of article, you’ll be writing them and submitting them all the time.

How to Diagnose Page Ranking Declines: Ask An SEO

 How to Diagnose Page Ranking Declines: Ask An SEO

Look at the Big Picture

What Are the Losses?

Check Your Links

Bottom Line

Today’s Ask an SEO question comes from Hemlata in Delhi. Hemlata asks:

“My website is losing home page rankings but internal pages are ranking well. What could be the reason for this?”

When a page on a site starts to lose significant rankings or traffic, it’s typically all hands on deck.

The first step most SEO professionals take is an analysis of why a page is seeing declines.

The problem is that there are literally thousands of reasons a page can see declines, and even the most experienced, smartest SEO pro sometimes has trouble diagnosing exactly what’s happening.


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This process can be even more frustrating when some pages of a site are seeing declines, while others are seeing increases.

Look at the Big Picture

It’s important to understand the big picture of your SEO efforts, especially when your site is in flux.

If your homepage is seeing declines, but your interior pages are seeing increases – this may not be a big deal if your overall leads and traffic are steadily increasing.

Understand your site’s goals and objectives when it comes to SEO.

If you don’t have overall goals, you can get pulled down rabbit trails trying to fix things that aren’t broken, which will harm your site overall in the long run.

What Are the Losses?

Even you can’t identify the cause of a page’s decline, you should be able to see where the decline is coming from.


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If you’ve been tracking rankings and have analytics set up, you should be able to see what keywords are experiencing ranking declines.

If you can’t see any ranking declines for your home page, you need to look at the types of traffic that are declining.

Sometimes a page can have technical issues that cause it to decline in the SERPs.

This is particularly true when it comes to the mobile version of a site.

Also, searcher behavior can have an impact on traffic to specific pages.

If your page is targeting keywords that are seeing a decline in overall search volume, the traffic is going to be down.

The best thing you can do when search volume is down is work to create overall interest, which isn’t necessarily done in the search engine result pages.

Check Your Links

For most websites, the home page is where most of the links from other websites are pointed to.

But sometimes, internal pages – particularly pages of interest – can garner more links than the homepage.

In these cases, it isn’t uncommon for an interior page or blog post to outrank a home page for many terms.

There isn’t anything wrong with interior pages outranking a home page.

In fact, it can be quite beneficial for some businesses.

The key is to make sure that the interior pages have a clear path to conversion for visitors that are initially exposed to your site through them.

Work to make your interior pages relevant for new visitors, and make it easy for those visitors to convert.


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Bottom Line

There are many reasons why an interior page might outrank a home page.

But in the end, it may not matter.

If you are worried about lost rankings, check your links, content, technical SEO, and competition to see why they are ranking instead of you.

If you are just seeing an audience behavior shift to interior pages – adapt and make your interior pages convert.

More Resources:

Editor’s note: Ask an SEO is a weekly SEO advice column written by some of the industry’s top SEO experts, who have been hand-picked by Search Engine Journal. Got a question about SEO? Fill out our form. You might see your answer in the next #AskanSEO post!

YouTube is going to chase after the money tied to the connected

 YouTube is going to chase after the money tied to the connected TV boom

With more people in their living rooms streaming shows and movies during the pandemic, the connected TV space has seen astronomical growth.

Google wants to lean into that growth with YouTube. 

YouTube's chief product officer Neal Mohan will update advertisers on what the platform has seen this past year during a session during the IAB's annual leadership meeting Wednesday morning.

Netflix, Apple TV and Prime Video.© Provided by CNBC Netflix, Apple TV and Prime Video.

With more people in their living rooms streaming shows and movies during the Covid pandemic, the connected TV space has seen astronomical growth. And Google wants to lean into that growth with YouTube. 

YouTube's chief product officer, Neal Mohan, will update advertisers on what the platform has seen this past year during a session at the Interactive Advertising Bureau's annual leadership meeting Wednesday morning. The company planned to share new figures around the growth seen with viewers watching its platforms on connected TVs (CTVs), offerings like the ability for advertisers to measure with Nielsen ahead of the next upfront season and trends seen on the platform during this unusual past year. 

The pandemic has been a boon for the streaming sector, benefiting players like Roku and ad tech player The Trade Desk. In 2020, eMarketer projected U.S. CTV ad spend was $8.11 billion, reaching $18.3 billion by 2024. But even though viewing has been skyrocketing, eMarketer says most of people's streaming time happens in an ad-free way on platforms like Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video. That gives YouTube an opportunity to tell advertisers they have a space to reach streaming TV viewers through its platform.

YouTube says viewers of its own platform are increasingly watching on their televisions. It said 120 million people watched YouTube or YouTube TV on their TV screens in December 2020 as they were spending time at home. Mohan told CNBC that figure is up from 100 million in March of last year. 

As viewership shifts, so do ad dollars. Mohan said in the past year there have been "lightbulb" moments for advertisers and media buyers about how media consumption was shifting, since "they were experiencing that in their own lives." 

YouTube said mobile still makes up the largest percentage of how content is consumed on the platform. But it said in December over a quarter of logged-in YouTube viewers watched content almost exclusively on a TV screen. The company declined to break out how the rest of viewership is grouped. 

To address this increased move to TVs, YouTube said for the first time in the 2021 and 2022 upfront season, advertisers will be able to use Nielsen to measure YouTube's streaming TV inventory. The upfronts are when advertisers typically commit much of their yearly TV spending in deals. 

This should help media buyers and sellers verify audiences on YouTube and YouTube TV apps on connected TVs. Offerings like this are meant to display to advertisers that they can reach audiences they're not reaching elsewhere, and compare reach with addressable linear TV more easily. Previously, the company said advertisers could only use Nielsen ratings to measure the platform's inventory on desktop and mobile. 

"This is something brands have been asking for," Mohan said. 

YouTube has also been working to build out advertiser tools and offerings, which helped the business grow 46% year over year in the fourth quarter to $6.89 billion. The business has been building up direct-response products on YouTube, like "shoppable" ads that include product imagery. Direct-response was an area of strength that has stayed strong during the pandemic, but brand advertising also came back in a big way in the fourth quarter, which helped YouTube as well. 

E-commerce skyrocketed in 2020; Americans spent $791.7 billion throughout the year on e-commerce, up 32.4% from 2019, according to data published last month by the U.S. Census Bureau. Mohan said video plays a major role in this space, with creators reviewing products or making recommendations since creators and their audiences have a more authentic connection.   

Mohan also plans to speak about the trend of short-form video taking hold. YouTube's TikTok competitor "Shorts" will be expanding to the U.S. in beta in "the next few weeks," the company said. Shorts isn't running ads in its beta, but YouTube said it's "exploring monetization options." 

How dropshippers make millions selling Chinese products on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok